Monday, March 3, 2008


Napoleons Reform

Napoleon began working on France,reforming the economy, legal system- the famous and enduring codeNapoleon- church, military, eductaion and government. He studied and commented on minute details, while traveling with the army, the reforms continued for most of his rule. Bonaparte was both legislator and statesmen - a study of these achievements could rival his campaigns for size and depth - but even fervent supporters admit that Napoleon made mistakes. The Consul's popularity remained high - helped by his mastery of propaganda, but also genuine national support - and he was elected Consulate for life by the French people in 1802 and Emperor of France in 1804, a title which Bonaparte worked hard to maintain and glorify.

Napoleons History

Napoleons History

Napoleon was a French military and political leader who had significant impact on modern European history. And he was a general during the French Revolution.

Born in Corsica and trained in mainland France as an artillery officer, he first rose to prominence as a general of the French Revolution, leading several successful campaigns against the First Coalition and the Second Coalition arrayed against France. In late 1799, Napoleon stated a coup detat and installed himself in first consul, Five years later he was the emperor of the French.
In the first decade of the nineteeth century is turned armies of the france against every major european power. Also he appointed close friends and several members of his family as monarchs and important government figures of French-dominated states.

Then The disastrous French invasion of Russia in 1812 marked a turning point in Napoleon's fortunes. The campaign wrecked the Grande Armee, which never regained its previous strength. In October 1813, the Sixth Coalition defeated his forces at Leipzig and then invaded France. The coalition forced Napoleon to abdicate in April 1814, exiling him to the island of Elba. Less than a year later, he returned to France and regained control of the government in the Hundred Days prior to his final defeat at Waterloo on 18 June 1815. Napoleon spent the remaining six years of his life under British supervision on the island of St. Helena

Friday, February 29, 2008

Five Major Battles

Battle of the Pyramids
Battle of Waterloo

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The map of Europe at the height of Napoleons power

The Map of Europe at Napoleons height of power
1.No more Poland
2.The Holy Romain Empire disappered
3.Great Britian became a state
4.Austrian became an empire
5.Russia became an Empire

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Napoleon Map 1and 2

Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. And then died on the remote Atlantic island of St. Helena on 5 May 1821.

Napoleons Exiles

Napoleon was exiled by the allied governments to Elba following is abdication at Fontainebleauand landed on the island on 4 of may 1814.

He was allowed a personal escort of some 1000 men, a household staff and was even given the title Emperor of Elba and rule over its 110,000 people.

Bonaparte began his exile with a reform of the governmental system on the island, which is Italy's third biggest and lies just off the coast of Tuscany.

Soon,the former French emperor's thoughts turned towards Paris, now under the restored rule of the Bourbons, and he began to plan his return.

The time came faster than he imagined and only nine months later, on 26 February 1815, he escaped with his miniature army and landed in France. The 100 days campaign had begun

The Map of Europe in 1789